Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I should Start Again

For as long as I can remember music has been a big part of my life whether I was just listening to it or even playing. When I was an infant and would get upset my dad would put on some music and dance with me around the room until I calmed down. As I got older I found a cassette player and took my parents old tapes and stay up at night listening to music until I fell asleep. My parents started to buy cds for me and my sister to listen in the car or around the house and I really started to appreciate music.

In forth grade I was old enough to join my elementary school's orchestra. I chose the violin because it was the smallest and I was pretty small. I instantly fell in love with music. Playing the violin wasn't a task and I actually enjoyed it. Even though I loved playing every now and then it felt like a task when I had to record my practice hours. I remember sitting in my basement practicing for what seemed for hours waiting for my mom to come down and tell me that my time was up. My favorite part about playing the violin was when my best friend and I decided to enter a duet contest. The piece we played for it was a little more challenging than we were used to and it was great going over to my friend's house to practice it. For the most part we practiced without supervision and everything would go really well. There is only one practice that I can remember that didn't go well. We had decided to practice outside on the sidewalk in front of my friend's house, I got so mad at her for holding the bow the wrong way that I packed up my violin and walked home. I was afraid that the judge would notice that she was holding the bow the wrong way and take off some points. We had a great time at the competition and I thought that I was going to play forever but then I moved.

I moved the summer after 5th grade and joined the orchestra at my new school. I soon found out that the group that had been playing for a while was more advanced than me so the teacher suggested that I should join the beginners. I had been playing for two years so I did not feel like starting over so I decided to quit.

Since then I have tried playing other instruments like the piano and the guitar but nothing seemed to stick to me in the way the violin had. Now I wish I could start playing again. It would be cool to take a class at The Blue Ridge Irish Music School when they offer classes in the violin or to learn bluegrass. Maybe I can add relearning the violin to my summer to do list.

Woah! This post was going to be about how important music is to my life, how I have been known as the friend to go to for new music and how music is a great escape but it went in a completely different direction. Maybe later I can write about that.

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