Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where Have You Been?

Today I was cleaning up the mess of change at the bottom of my purse and putting it back into my change-purse that had somehow managed to empty out some time in the last week. As I was putting the change away I noticed a penny that looked a little different. It had two stalks of wheat on it. Originally I thought it was a coin from another country that I have collected on my travels but after closer inspection I realized that it was a penny, a penny from 1946. After looking at the noticeable differences, I began to think of the places that this penny has been to and the hands that it has passed through over the last 63 years. I'd like to think that it has been to almost every state and even out of the country. I can imagine that it might have been someone's lucky penny at one point in its life. Maybe they were having a bad day, where nothing was going in their favor, then they spotted this lonely penny sitting on the sidewalk, face side up, and picked it up causing their luck to change for the day. After that day they would carry the penny anywhere they would expect trouble hoping that it would bring them the same sort of luck that it did on the day they found it. I would love to have a conversation with this penny, to talk to him about where he has been and the characters he has met along the way, from the little boy that picked him up at the park to the famous person that carried him around in the bottom of their pocket for a week only to casually trade him off for coffee or cigarettes. This conversation would be the most wonderful conversation but sadly I am stuck in the real world where objects like pennies can't talk to us to share their stories.

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