Sunday, April 26, 2009


Several weeks ago I remembered a class activity I did during one of my first semester classes senior year. As a class we took the Myers-Briggs personality test then discussed our results. At the end of the test I learned that I am an INFJ; a person who is Introverted, relies on iNtuition and Feelings and often makes Judgements on every experience they have.

There is no argument that I am an introvert. I have always kept to myself and only had a few close friends, it is just how I am.

As for intuition, I use it all of the time. I tend to rely in my gut feelings rather than logic. I do use logic at times because society often forces me to but I'd rather trust my intuition.

I'm a pretty emotional person so the feeling part makes sense. Almost any movie can make me cry but they can also make me so happy that I will be in a good mood for the rest of the week.

Judging in this case is not what most people think. It is not about coming to conclusions about things before you know everything about it but it is rather about wanting to discuss things with people, such as a movie, to share your opinion. I do this all the time, I have opinions about anything and everything and love to talk about them.

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